[Prev| Next| Index] February 17, 1996, Gess Shankar, Stone Mountain, GA, USA [Image] Decency Act or an indecent act? By Gess Shankar I was casually flipping through a collection of quotations, when I came across the following gem: "Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." - Justice Louis D. Brandeis, dissenting, Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 479 (1928) Justice Brandeis could well have been talking about the Telecommunications Act of 1996! Men of zeal, pushing political hot buttons, well-meaning but without any understanding what the Internet is all about! And insidious encroachment it is. The Internet today, what next tomorrow? And has experience taught us to be on our guard? Communications technology, including the Internet, has been instrumental in the recent resurgence of democracy in East Europe and the Orient. The World Wide Web is causing a reversal in the downward trend of literacy. More people are engaging in written communication than ever before. The commercialization of the net is changing the way we work, communicate and even play. The net is going to be the pervasive medium in the next millennium. This law will have a chilling effect, if the publishers and carriers have to impose restrictive rules and then police the net to ensure compliance, or risk the wrath of an adventurous prosecutor. We have a criminal justice system, which is brutal to victims and lenient to murderers, rapists and drug lords. We have an entertainment system, which glorifies violence and devalues human life. There are many other social ills which plague the society. Legislation of morality has never succeeded. The social maladies can be reversed only when individuals take responsibility for their own actions and parents are allowed to and do exercise their own responsibilities for raising their children. Instead we have yet another instance of the Government taking care of children and protecting them from the evil monsters stalking the net. Just as they are taking care of the drug problem. Or the teen pregnancies. The Republicans are touting smaller government and singing the praise of passing control to the states and local governements so that they can be closer to the people. Closest to the kids are the parents or sadly, parent. It should be their job to teach the youngsters the value system. Striking a blow to the freedom of expression is not going to solve that problem. It may seem that this is a small price to pay. But like good health, you realize its importance only after losing it. Having lived and worked in societies with oppressive governments and having been treated as a second class human being based on my country of origin, I do not take such freedoms for granted. They are valued and savored every moment of life. The United States has been a magnet for people loving freedom and opportunity. For the most part, the Representative Republic has worked. But occasionally democratic power of the people should rise to temper the representatives. This is such an occasion. Let us rise to it! Uncontrolled federal spending is stripping the future generation of financial stability and hope. To add insult to the injury, the insidious stripping of personal rights has begun. Let us remember that people get used to doing without freedoms we take for granted here. The Russian people actually seem to want to return to communism and do not mind losing personal freedoms in return of state-provided cradle-to-grave womb-to-tomb support and control. It can happen here too. "With the first link, a chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Picard [ST:TNG IV "The Drumhead"] [Image] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------